Welcome to Our WP Plugins


Latest Plugin: Site Owner & Admin Manager

With Site Owner & Admin Manager, you can keep your clients in check and ensure they don’t go off the rails by deleting your admin user.

Say goodbye to those pesky notification emails from a site you’re not even running! 

WP Plugins+


From 1st Feb 2024 Our WP Plugins took over ownership of 13 plugins from Andrew Palmer & WP Plugins+.

If you hold an active license from WP Plugins+ and require a replacement Freemius based license please get in touch.

A new license will be required for any purchases previously made via the Elegant Marketplace


Which WP+ plugins are available?

Depreciated Plugins

  • Divi Menu Module (Standard Width) – Divi now has a module for this so ours will no longer be updated
  • GDPR Friendly Fonts
What changes can I expect?

We will be updating the plugins to use Freemius for licensing & updates. During this process we will also be making minor changes to reflect their new ownership and adding links to our knowledge base.

Once all the plugins have been updated we’ll get to work populating the knowledge base with up to date guides. 

What will happen with existing licenses?

You will need a new license provided via Freemius to receive plugin updates and on-going support.

Important: Support will not be available between 26th July and 7th August. Any enquiries will be answered after this date.

General Enquiry