Site Owner & Admin Manager

Keep your sanity intact with Site Owner & Admin Manager!

Safeguard against rebellious clients who might try to delete your admin user, and wave goodbye to the flood of unwanted notification emails from a site you no longer control.

It also tackles a variety of other critical client site management headaches, like when a client grants admin access to Rogue Marketing LLC, only for them to jazz up the site with their rogue ‘SEO’ antics.


“A no-brainer plugin created for WordPress web designers of all types.” – Dave Grey (developer). 

Prevent Owner Deletion

Once selected and saved, the site owner user account cannot be deleted via the UI.

Prevent Role Changes

The User Profile screen will prevent the site owner user from having its role downgraded.

Drop-down Admin List

The administrator email address field is replaced with a drop down list of administrator users.

Whitelist Admin Emails
Prevent new admin accounts from being created with unapproved email domains.
Emergency Use Only

Mark an admin for “emergency use,” triggering a special notice email.

Email Logins Only

Force logins to use email’s instead of usernames, adding extra complexity to brute force attacks.

Site Owner Opt-Out

No longer responsible? Opt-out to notify other admins that a change of user is required.

Receive Admin Emails

Site owner going on holiday? Additional admin users can now receive administrator emails.

Manual Confirmation

Has the new owner ignored the confirmation email? Save waiting and manually confirm it.

What else does it do?

New to V2.x:

  • Emergency Use Admin: Mark an admin for “emergency use,” triggering a special notice email.
  • Email Domain Whitelisting: Prevent new admin accounts from being created with unapproved email domains.
  • Email-based Logins: Force logins to use email addresses instead of usernames, adding complexity to brute force attacks.

 V1.x features:

  • Administrator Email Dropdown: Replace the administrator email field with a dropdown list of admin users.
  • Active Admin User Check: Check if the current email matches an active admin user account and display a dashboard notice if it doesn’t.
  • Prevent Orphaned Admins: Prevents that admin user from being deleted or having their role changed.
  • Request Change of Site Owner: Notify other admins about the need for a site owner change via a special email link. Redirect logged-in admins to the settings page until the owner is changed.
  • Login Notifications: Email a notice to the site owner when an admin logs in. Enabled by default, can be disabled in settings.
  • Opt-in Email Settings: Add settings to the User Profile screen, allowing admins to opt-in for receiving admin emails.
  • Opt-out Email Prompt: Upon activation, prompt to send opt-out email links to all admin users, allowing future opt-outs. Automated monthly emails.
  • Last Login Display: Show the last login date and time for admins on the Users screen. Monthly summary of current admins and their last login times emailed to the site owner.

    Detailed Plugin Tour (v1.x) – 15mins!

    New to V2.0

    Who is it for?

    Web design freelancers & agencies

    As a freelancer / agency your email address was most likely used as the site owner email while the site is being made, and while you continue to maintain it for your customer.

    However when a site is taken over by the customer or another (less well trained) user, it’s common for your admin user to be deleted to prevent access, but you’ll still exist as the site owner which hasn’t yet been changed. Or your user role changed to lowest permissions.

    This means you are locked out of the site with no way to disable the admin based email notifications.

    You could set up multiple email filters to block these emails but that is not really the point.

    If you are no longer responsible for a site you should no longer be receiving any emails from it.

    WordPress Hosting Providers

    As a caring WordPress hosting provider you’ll want to add value where possible, and if it helps to cut down on minor support tickets that’s an added bonus.

    By offering Site Owner Admin to your clients you can help keep them on the path of good site governance.

    If the client keeps a suitable contact in charge of their site, and its maintenance, hopefully it will be kept updated and less likely to cause additional support tickets (you can always hope!).


    Why is it important?

    A well maintained WordPress site is a vital part of good website governance. But what happens if administration emails don’t make it to a knowledgeable person?

    Or worse, they reach the right person, but they no longer have the required access to maintain the site?

    How much would it cost you in real money, or lost time, to fix a hacked WordPress website?

    How about potential reputation damage from dishing out malware to your hard earnt visitors?


    14 Day Satisfaction Guarantee

    Try Site Owner & Admin Manager for up to 14 days with our satisfaction guarantee. As a small plugin developer I’d would like to try and resolve any concerns you have first before doing a refund (as I’d like to keep hold of your money), but if the plugin is missing a feature, didn’t work as expected, or has a problem I can’t resolve you can have a 100% refund or credit towards my HeadsUpWP service.

    HeadsUpWP – Helps WordPress site owners protect their reputation by catching common problems quickly. Weekly checks delivered by email will alert you to an expiring SSL certificate or domain name, broken links, missing images plus more.

    Are you a hosting provider?
    For $499 a year you’ll be provided with an unlimited site special version that can be used as a “must-use” plugin. Includes full support.


    Release Notes

    26th June 2024 – V2.0 

    • User profiles: Added a ‘Emergency use only’ option for admin accounts. When used it will trigger an alternative notification email.
    • User profiles: Added a ‘Confirm Admin User Creation’ checkbox to ensure human interaction.
    • User profiles: Site Owner Admin section is shown only when administrator role is selected. Existing values will be kept when the role has been changed (in case of temporary changes).
    • User list: Added ‘Reset last login’ link to Users screen. (Shown to Site Owner only)
    • Settings > General: Added “Allowed Admin email domains” field to white list newly created admin users. (Shown to Site Owner only)
    • Settings > General: Added “Email login only” option. When enabled all logins will require their email address and not user name. (Shown to Site Owner only)
    • Activity email: N/A and admins who lasted logged in over 30 days ago are shown in red.
    • New login email: When an admin logs in and their IP / country were not previously found a notification email is sent.
    • Tools > Admin Login Tracker: All admin user account logins are logged in the database and can be viewed from this screen.

    5th June 2024 – V1.0.7 

    • Improved the formatting and styles of the notification emails

    11th May 2024 – V1.0.3 to V1.0.6 round up

    • Bug fix: Emails were not sending with html content type. Will make them look nicer in a future minor release.
    • Added Freemius license activation checks
    • Removed the blank value from the admin drop down list if a user has previously been selected
    • Added info icon with hover text to highlight why this list is appearing
    • Bug fix: Error when sending emails when site owner email doesn’t match a user account

    6th April 2024 – V1.0.2

    • Stores last login date and time for administrator accounts
    • Includes monthly email listing administrators and their last login time
    • The “Send Opt-Out Emails” screen now displays when emails were last sent
    • Notification email sent on admin login. Setting to disable this added to general settings page
    • Bug fix: General settings page couldn’t be saved due to the email address not being set
    • Freemius SDK updated to better support PHP 8.x

    4th April 2024 – V1.0.1

    • Tested with WordPress 6.5
    • Opt-out emails are no longer sent on plugin activation
    • Admin notice shown on plugin activation prompting user to manually send opt-out emails

    1st April 2024 – V1.0

    • Drop down list now excludes opted-out administrators. Displays alert if no valid admins are found.
    • ‘Send Opt-Out Emails’ added to Tools menu.

    29th March 2024 – V0.6

    • Opt-out email links sent to all admins when plugin activated.
    • Site owner email receives an opt-out link that when used will then email other admins asking for it to be changed.
    • Any administrators that log in after the Site owner has opted-out will be redirected to the Settings > General page and a notice shown.
    • Added manual confirmation link when administrator email has been changed.

    24th March 2024 – v0.5

    • Administrator user accounts can opt-in to receive site owner emails
    • Added user profile setting to opt-out of receiving system emails.

    20th March 2024 – v0.4

    • Notice bar displayed for all admin users.
    • Adjusted the Setting > General alert() box to appear after the dropdown has been added to the page

    18th March 2024 – v0.3

    •  Administrator email drop down now appears in the place of the original field

    17th March 2024 – v0.2

    • Added admin user drop down list to Setting > General
    • Added additional checks & notices to encourage setting a user
    • Prevents currently matching admin role from being downgraded

    16th March 2024 – v0.1

    • Initial release.
    • Added Freemius with FREE coupon to provide easier update process.
    • When an admin user is deleted check its email address against the site owner, if there is a match the white screen error is shown preventing the user from being removed.

    Never lose a web design client again

    Stay ahead with automated website issue alerts. HeadsUpWP helps WordPress website designers protect their reputation by catching common problems quickly. Weekly checks delivered by email will alert you to an expiring SSL certificate or domain name, broken links, missing images plus more.

    Don’t let preventable issues on your client websites tarnish your reputation, find & fix them before they become a problem.

    Visit the site to find out more.

    Thank you sponsors!

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